New Perspectives in Southeast Asian Studies (2006-present)
Series Editors: Alfred W. McCoy, Thongchai Winichakul , Ian Baird, Katherine Bowie, and Anne Ruth Hansen.
Associate Editors: Warwick H. Anderson, Ian Coxhead, Michael Cullinane, Paul D. Hutchcroft, and Kris Olds

New Perspectives in Southeast Asian Studies publishes academic books that focus on historical and contemporary problems in this dynamic region, from local issues through global interconnections. While the series as a whole covers cultural, economic, environmental, political, and social issues, individual titles aspire to the fine-grained research and theoretical innovation long associated with scholarship on Southeast Asia. Editorial work is a collaborative effort between the University of Wisconsin Press and the University’s Center for Southeast Asian Studies, a US National Resource Center for SEA studies.
Prospective authors: Please refer to the UW Press guidelines for submitting proposals. Direct queries to acquisitions editor Nathan MacBrien
For information on how to order books, please see the New Perspectives webpage at UW Press.
Publications Prior to 2006
(Please note that a few items may be out of print and not for sale.)
Lives at the Margin: Biography of Filipinos Obscure, Ordinary, and Heroic
Edited by Alfred W. McCoy,
Monograph Series No. 19 (2000)
After the Galleons: Foreign Trade, Economic Change, and Entrepreneurship in the Nineteenth-Century Philippines
Benito J. Legarda, Jr
Monograph Series No.18 (1999)
Voices from the Thai Countryside: “The Necklace” and Other Stories * (available for print-on-demand)
Samruam Singh
Edited and Translated by Katherine A. Bowie,
Monograph Series No. 17 Revised edition: (1998)
Population and History: The Demographic Origins of the Modern Philippines
Edited by Daniel F. Doeppers and Peter Xenos,
Monograph Series No. 16 (1998)
Sitti Djaoerah: A Novel of Colonial Indonesia
M.J. Soetan Hasoendoetan
Translated by Susan Rodgers,
Monograph Series No. 15 (1997)
Face of Empire: United States–Philippine Relations, 1898–1946
Frank Hindman Golay,
Monograph Series No. 14 (1998)
Inventing a Hero: The Posthumous Re-Creation of Andres Bonifacio
Glenn Anthony May,
Monograph Series No. 13 (1996)
The Mekong Delta: Ecology, Economy, and Revolution, 1860-1960
Pierre Brocheux
Monograph No. 12 (1997)
Autonomous histories, particular truths: Essays in honor of John R. W. Smail
Edited by Laurie Jo Sears
Monograph No.11 (1993)
An Anarchy of Families: State and Family in the Philippines
Edited by Alfred W. McCoy,
Monograph Series No. 10 (1993)
Salome: A Filipino Filmscript by Ricardo Lee
Ricardo Lee
Translated by Rofel Brion
Monograph Series No. 9 (1993)
Recalling the Revolution: Memoirs of a Filipino General
Santiago V. Alvarez,
Monograph Series No.8 (1992)
Anthropology Goes to War: Professional Ethics and Counterinsurgency in Thailand (available for print-on-demand)
Eric Wakin,
Monograph Series No.7 (1992)
Voices from the Thai Countryside: The Short Stories of Samruam Singh
Edited and Translated by Katherine A. Bowie,
Monograph Series No. 6 (1991) *Revised ed. available, see No. 17
Putu Wijaya in Performance: A Script and Study in Indonesian Theatre
Edited by Ellen Rafferty ,
Monograph Series No. 5 (1989)
Gender, power, and the construction of the moral order: Studies from the Thai periphery
Nancy Eberhardt
Monograph No. 4 (1988)
Bomb: Indonesian short stories
Putu Wijaya
Edited by Ellen Rafferty and Laurie J. Sears
Monograph No. 3 (1988)
Aesthetic tradition and cultural transition in Java and Bali
Edited by Stephanie Morgan, Laurie Jo Sears
Monograph No. 2 (1984)
A Complete Account of the Peasants’ Uprising in the Central Region
Phan Chu Trinh
Translated by Peter Baugher and Vu Ngu Chieu,
Monograph Series No. 1 (1983)
(Please note that these items are out of print and not for sale.)
Between Two Coups: The Continuing Institutionalization of Democracy in Thailand
James F. Guyot & Pisan Suriyamongkol
Wisconsin Papers on Southeast Asia (1989)
Interpretive Accounts of the Khmer Rouge Years: Personal Experience in Cambodian Peasant World View
Frank Smith
Wisconsin Papers on Southeast Asia (1989)
The Rise and Changing Statues of the Southeast Asian History Field in the United States: An Analytical Study
Craig A. Lockard
Wisconsin Papers on Southeast Asia (1989)
“Food for War” In Southeast Asia: U.S. Food Aid Policy, 1973-1987
Marc J. Cohen
Wisconsin Papers on Southeast Asia (1988)
Land Reform in the Philippines
William C. Thiesenhusen
Wisconsin Papers on Southeast Asia (1988)
Conflict and Coexistence: The Sino-Vietnamese Maritime Boundaries in Historical Perspective
Dian Murray
Wisconsin Papers on Southeast Asia (1988)
Cambodia’s Future: The View from Vietnam
Nayan Chanda
Wisconsin Papers on Southeast Asia (March 1986)
Ambiguous Violence: Myths of Regeneration and Proficiency in U.S. Novels of the Vietnam War
Margaret E. Stewart
Wisconsin Papers on Southeast Asia (1986)
Political Opposition in the Philippines: Contestation and Cooperation
Temario C. Rivera
Wisconsin Papers on Southeast Asia (March 1985)
A Complete Account of the Peasants’ Uprising in the Central Region
Phan Chu Trinh
Translated by Peter Baugher and Vu Ngu Chieu (1983)
The Transformation of Hanoi, 1873-1888
Andrew Masson
Translated by Jack A. Yaeger, Edited and Abridged by Daniel F. Doeppers
Wisconsin Papers on Southeast Asia (1983)
Mutual Aid and Manila Unions
Melinda Tria Kerkvliet
Wisconsin Papers on Southeast Asia (May 1982)
Indian Settlement and Religious Accommodation in North Sumatra: A Reconnaissance
A. Mani
Wisconsin Papers on Southeast Asia (N.D.)
Pilgrimage and Rebellion on Samar, 1884-1886
Bruce Cruikshank
Wisconsin Papers on Southeast Asia (Sept 1979)
The Socio-Cultural Setting of Love Magic in Central Thailand
Somchintana Thongthew-Ratarasarn
Wisconsin Papers on Southeast Asia (June 1979)
(Please note that these items are out of print and not for sale.)
The University of Wisconsin-Madison Collection of Materials on Modern Indonesian Culture, Handlist of the 1985 Acquisitions: Popular Literature, Regional Publishing, Current Magazines, and Recordings of Music and Theater
Philip Yampolsky
No. 11 (April 1987)
Lokananta: A discography of the National Recording Company of Indonesia, 1957-1985
Philip Yampolsky
Bibliography Series No. 10 (1987)
Philippine labor periodicals and newspapers, 1900-1941: An annotated international union list
Daniel F Doeppers
Bibliography Series No. 9 (1986)
A Union Catalogue of Philippine Biographical Reference Works
Daniel F Doeppers and Michael Cullinane
Bibliography Series No. 8 (1983)
A Guide to Indonesian Imprints, Monographs and Serials Available on Microfiche in the Microforms Center of the University of Wisconsin-Madison
compiled by Stephanie Morgan
No. 7 (October 1981)
A Checklist of Maps on Southeast Asia Held in the Map Library of the University of Wisconsin-Madison
compiled by Paul Chalekian & Daniel F. Doeppers
No. 6 (Sept 1980)
Selected Southeast Asian Folktales Annotated for Teachers
Doungporn T. McCammon
No. 5 (June 1980)
Union Catalogue of Selected Bureau Reports and Other Official Serials of the Philippines, 1908-1941
compiled by Daniel F. Doeppers
No. 4 (1980)
A Teacher’s Guide to Thai Folktales in English
Doungporn T. McCammon
No. 3 (March 1980)
A Guide to Materials on Thailand in the American Geographical Society Special Collection, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Library, Which are not Held by the UW-Madison Libraries.
Compiled by Victor Halverson
No. 2 (Feb 1980)
A Checklist of Southeast Asian Newspapers and Other Research Materials on Microfilm and Available to the University of Wisconsin Through Inter-Library Loan
No. 1 Fourth edition (Sept 1981)