Teaching Faculty and Librarian

Larry Ashmun

Position title: Southeast Asian & Hmong Studies Bibliographer

Email: larry.ashmun@wisc.edu

Ian Baird

Position title: Professor of Geography

Email: ibaird@wisc.edu

Erlin S. Barnard

Position title: Distinguished Faculty Associate and Pedagogy Coordinator, Department of Asian Languages and Cultures

Email: esbarnard@wisc.edu

Katherine Bowie

Position title: Professor of Anthropology and Past Director of the Center for Southeast Asian Studies

Email: kabowie@wisc.edu

Peggy Choy

Position title: Associate Professor, Dance Program and Asian American Studies

Email: pachoy@wisc.edu

Michael Cullinane

Position title: Associate Director, Center for Southeast Asian Studies; Teaching Faculty, Department of History

Email: mmcullin@wisc.edu

Hong Thi Dinh

Position title: Senior Lecturer in Vietnamese, Department of Asian Languages and Cultures, and Vietnamese Coordinator, SEASSI

Email: hdinh@wisc.edu

Juan Fernandez

Position title: Assistant Professor of Southeast Asian History, Department of History

Email: fernandezcap@wisc.edu

Anna Gade

Position title: Vilas Distinguished Achievement Professor, Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies

Email: amgade@wisc.edu

Tyrell Haberkorn

Position title: Professor, Asian Languages and Cultures

Email: tchaberkorn@wisc.edu

Anne Hansen

Position title: Professor, Department of History; Past Director, Center for Southeast Asian Studies (2014-2016)

Email: arhansen@wisc.edu

Li-Ching Ho

Position title: Professor, Department of Curriculum and Instruction

Email: liching.ho@wisc.edu

Nam C. Kim

Position title: Director, Center for Southeast Asian Studies; Professor, Department of Anthropology

Email: nckim2@wisc.edu

Veronika Kusumaryati

Position title: Assistant Professor, Cultural Anthropology

Email: kusumaryati@wisc.edu

Eileen Lagman

Position title: Assistant Professor, Department of English

Email: lagman@wisc.edu

Choua Lee

Position title: Lecturer in Hmong, Asian Languages and Cultures, and Hmong Coordinator, SEASSI

Email: lee2@wisc.edu

Maichou Lor

Position title: Assistant Professor, School of Nursing

Email: mlor2@wisc.edu

Alfred W. McCoy

Position title: Harrington Professor of History, Past Director of the Center for Southeast Asian Studies

Email: awmccoy@wisc.edu

Mary E. McCoy

Position title: Outreach Director, Center for Southeast Asian Studies; Teaching Faculty, Department of Communication Arts

Email: mccoy2@wisc.edu

Priya Mukherjee

Position title: Assistant Professor, Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics

Email: priya.mukherjee@wisc.edu

Jenna Nobles

Position title: Professor of Sociology

Email: jnobles@ssc.wisc.edu

Kristopher Olds

Position title: Professor and Past Chair of Department of Geography

Email: kolds@wisc.edu

Jennifer Otting

Position title: Faculty Associate, Education Policy Studies

Email: jotting@wisc.edu

Kong Pheng Pha

Position title: Assistant Professor of Gender & Women's Studies and Asian American Studies

Email: kpha@wisc.edu

Mark Sidel

Position title: Doyle-Bascom Professor of Law

Email: mark.sidel@wisc.edu

Janpanit Surasin

Position title: Lecturer in Thai, Asian Languages and Cultures and SEASSI

Email: surasin@wisc.edu

Mai See Thao

Position title: Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology, Asian American Studies Program

Email: maisee.thao@wisc.edu

Nhu Truong

Position title: 2024-2025 Anna Julia Cooper Postdoctoral Fellow

Foreign Language Teaching Assistants

Alfin Hilmi

Position title: Foreign Language Teaching Assistant - Indonesian

Email: ahilmi@wisc.edu

Ha Le

Position title: Foreign Language Teaching Assistant - Vietnamese

Email: hle32@wisc.edu

Bouangern Sylavongsa

Position title: Foreign Language Teaching Assistant - Lao

Email: sylavongsa@wisc.edu

Narumon Tantichat

Position title: Foreign Language Teaching Assistant - Thai

Email: tantichat@wisc.edu

Faculty Emeritus

Lois Ann Anderson

Emerita Professor, Department of Ethnomusicology, School of of Music
Past Director of the Center for Southeast Asian Studies

Robert J. Bickner

PhD (Michigan)
Emeritus Professor, Department of Asian Languages and Cultures
Past Chair of Department of Languages and Cultures of Asia
Past Language Director of SEASSI

J. Lin Compton

PhD (Michigan)
Emeritus Professor of Development Education, Social Forestry, International Agriculture and Asian Studies in the Department of Forest Ecology and Management
Past Chair of the Doctoral Program in Development studies in the Land Tenure Center

Dustin C. Cowell

PhD (UC-San Diego)
Emeritus Professor, Department of African Languages and Literature
Past President of the Consortium for the Teaching of Indonesian

Daniel F. Doeppers

PhD (Syracuse)
Emeritus Professor, Department of Geography
Past Director of the Center for Southeast Asian Studies

Albert C. Gunther

PhD (Stanford)
Professor, School of Journalism and Mass Communication

Russell Middleton

PhD (Texas)
Emeritus Professor, Department of Sociology

Ian Coxhead

PhD (Australian National University)
Emeritus Professor, Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics
Past Director of the Center for Southeast Asian Studies

Ellen Rafferty

PhD (SUNY Binghamton)
Emerita Professor, Indonesian Language and Culture, Department of Asian Languages and Cultures
Current Language Director for SEASSI
Past Director of the Center for Southeast Asian Studies
Past President of the Consortium for the Teaching of Indonesian

Thongchai Winichakul

PhD (University of Sydney)
Emeritus Professor, Department of  History
Past Director of the Center for Southeast Asian Studies