Jennifer Otting
Credentials: PhD (UW-Madison)
Position title: Faculty Associate, Education Policy Studies
Jennifer Otting is a Faculty Associate in the Department of Education Policy Studies where she teaches classes on U.S. School and Society, Human Rights and Education and Comparative Education. Her prior experience as a teacher in the United States and overseas informs her research which examines the intersection of democracy development agendas and education policy in democratically transitioning countries. Past research projects include an examination of higher education reform during the democratic opening in Burma/Myanmar (2018-2019) and the implementation of citizenship education in Kosovo (2013-2014). She first traveled to Burma in 2008-2010 as an English Language Fellow with the U.S. State Department and has continued to work with educational organizations and individual educators during the last fourteen years. More recently, she completed a teacher wellbeing training project with the National Unity Government, and a teacher education research project with the Inter-Agency Network for Education and Emergencies. She continues to support the fight for democracy and social justice in Burma working with educators and students with the Radio Free Burma project.