Friday Forum and Asian Languages & Cultures Job Talk: Lailatul Fitriyah

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206 Ingraham Hall
@ 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm

“Border Theologies: God and Resistance in a Southeast Asian Diaspora”


Lailatul Fitriyah
Assistant Professor of Interreligious Education
Claremont School of Theology

This talk will examine Islamic and Christian theologies from the lives of Indonesian Female Migrant Workers (FMWs) in Singapore. First, it will explore how the FMWs’ experiences of alienation and their social, political, and economic plights shape their theological praxes. In addition, we shall examine how these women perceive the problem of evil in the face of structural oppressions that they suffer, as well as the resources that these women use to establish their theological and religious authority. Finally, the discussion will conclude with a look at how the religious practices and beliefs of these women are shaped by their position at the intersection of multiple borders and oppressions, and how such religious praxes comprise a significant part of their anti-patriarchal and anti-capitalist resistance against structural oppressions in their lives.


Lailatul Fitryiah is an Assistant Professor of Interreligious Education at Claremont School of Theology. Lailatul holds a Ph.D in Theology, World Religions and World Church from the University of Notre Dame and is the Founder and Coordinator of the Notre Dame Feminist Theologies in Global Context Colloquium.

This event is free and open to the public. A recording will be available on the CSEAS YouTube channel following the event.