Authentic Indonesian Reading Lessons: Intermediate to Advanced Levels

The authentic Indonesian reading lessons are intended for students at the intermediate and advanced levels. The lessons are designed to develop the advanced reading skills about topics of societal interest such as education, environment, public health and safety. These eight online lessons can be used in either remote or face-to-face classroom environments.

The objective of each lesson is to improve reading skills while offering activities that strengthen interpretive, interpersonal, and presentational modes of communication. By the end of each lesson, students are able to understand and discuss the main points of the article while using new vocabulary and grammatical structures in real-life interpersonal and presentational modes of communication. The topics covered in these lessons range from home and housing, neighborhood, education, to work and careers.

The articles that form the basis of the lessons are taken from the leading national newspaper of Indonesia, Kompas, from 2012 to 2020. Kompas which was established in 1965 currently has the largest circulation of all print media in Indonesia with over 500,000 copies sold daily.

The lessons were developed by Dr. Amelia Liwe, an experienced language teacher and program coordinator. Dr. Liwe currently serves as the coordinator of the Indonesian language in the Southeast Asian Studies Summer Institute (SEASSI) at U. Wisconsin, Madison. She earned her master’s degree from the Department of Languages and Cultures of Asia and doctoral degree from the Department of History, at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

The University of Wisconsin-Madison gratefully acknowledges the generous funding for this project from the Education and Culture Office, the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in Washington, D.C.

Below is the suggested order of the lessons from the intermediate to advanced level.

Lesson 1. “Tumis Buncis Jagung Muda”
Lesson 2. “Mengatur Dapur”
Lesson 3. “Ruang Baca di Rumah”
Lesson 4. “Inspirasi Pengisi Liburan si Buah Hati”
Lesson 5. “Pembuktian Kaum Hawa”
Lesson 6. “Polisi Tidur”
Lesson 7. “Kunci Keberhasilan”
Lesson 8. “Satu Sore di Rusunawa”

© 2020, University of Wisconsin-Madison