As of January 2024, those who have provided oral history interviews in Wisconsin, Illinois, Washington and Iowa are listed below:
Southep Thikeo, Milwaukee, WI
Ouane Dara, Franklin, WI
Kossarady Phimmasone, Fresno, CA (interviewed in Madison, WI)
Channoy Bounket, Milwaukee, WI
Bouathong Souvannarath, Milwaukee, WI
Onekeo Phongsavath, Milwaukee, WI
Sout Phakeovilay, Milwaukee, WI
Ounkham Souriyavong, Vancouver, WA
Khamphoui Sisavatdy, Vancouver, WA
King Souvannakane, Vancouver, WA
Khamvanh Kanlagna, Des Moines, IA
Brady Chanhthy Anongdeth, Madison, WI
Jay Rasavongxay, Gilberts, IL
Korakanh Phimmasene, Joliet, IL
Vone Rasavongxay, Gilberts, IL
Singkeo & Thongkham Chomsisengphet, Oshkosh, WI
Bounyong Inthachith, Madison, WI
Khampheng Soukhaphon, Milwaukee, WI
Phatsanouk Soukhaphon, Milwaukee, WI
Vilavanh Inthavong, Milwaukee, WI
Bounnheua Bouakongxaya, Milwaukee, WI
Souksakhone Senebouttarath, Waukesha, WI
Bounkham Nathavong, Brookfield, WI