SJSEA Faculty Positions

With significant financial support from the International Division, CSEAS, collaborating departments and programs, and the College of Letters & Science, this component of the Social Justice in Southeast Asia (SJSEA) Project supports developing scholarly infrastructure by hiring three entry-level assistant professors. These faculty will develop a cluster of conjoined social justice courses for first-year undergraduates through UW’s First-year Interest Group program (FIG), and will also contribute in other ways to the project and the CSEAS.

Veronika Kusumaryati

Credentials: Ph.D., Harvard University

Position title: Assistant Professor, Cultural Anthropology


Juan Fernandez

Credentials: Ph.D., Cornell University

Position title: Assistant Professor of Southeast Asian History, Department of History


Nhu Truong

Credentials: Ph.D., McGill University

Position title: 2024-2025 Anna Julia Cooper Postdoctoral Fellow